
Would you like to discover how you can release your worries, get the facts & put a divorce financial plan in place so you get your best settlement possible?

I can help you move past middle of the night anxiety to calm your stress, get crystal clear, gain control and receive your fair share in your divorce.

How do you know if you are making wise choices if you, and quite possibly your attorney, don’t have all the financial facts to base those decisions upon?

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Can you relate to this?

You’re a Working husband/father who has always provided for your family and you want to make sure that you are not giving up more than you have to or paying the IRS for avoidable mistakes.

Men in your situation often ask me…

  • What can I realistically expect to pay for child support and alimony?

  • How do I balance my ability to pay alimony with my own living needs?

  • What is the best way to divide our assets and debts and make sure I get my fair share?

  • What about debts we have together? What impact does it have on my credit?

  • How do we deal with my future retirement and/or pension?

If you can relate to any of these questions, don’t worry, you are in the right place. Help is Here.

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Here’s What To Do Next…

Not sure where to begin or what comes next in your personal situation? You have two options:

If you’re ready to move from overwhelm to action - Join me for your Private Consultation and I will personally guide you to clarity about your current financial situation, help you understand how to side-step problem areas, and assist you to plan the right divorce for you and your family.

Not Quite Ready to Schedule a Private Consultation Yet? Click here now for the Free Financial Fitness Kit and discover how to save your finances, your family and your future from common, costly and permanent mistakes. Don’t get divorced without it!