This Ain't Your Grandma's Divorce

Do you remember when someone wanted a divorce so they headed straight for the city’s best shark lawyer and spent everything they had fighting until a judge or jury decided where what was left of the marital estate would end up?  A lot of attorneys have put their kids through college that way, and their clients paid for it.

Wait.  You’re not still doing it that way are you?

Thankfully, the divorce process has evolved over the past few decades with a paradigm shift happening in the industry and now couples have better, less-expensive divorce options than ever before.  Because every family is unique, divorce journeys come in more choices than ice cream has flavors, but in this article, we’ll just compare a few traits of the old, traditional ways to divorce versus some more modern, healthier options out there now.

Note:  Even if your spouse has already hired the shark lawyer, the right core divorce team will still advocate for your best interests, while keeping your side of the conflict, your expenses and your time commitment to a minimum. 

The biggest benefit to the modern process is that you maintain control of the pace, direction and outcome of your divorce process.  With a traditional divorce you don’t have any control over the pace, little control over the direction, some control over the outcome if you can settle at mediation, but no control over the outcome, if it goes to trial. 

One very important point to remember, whether you choose a traditional or modern divorce, is this:  Any proposed agreement should be reviewed by both the legal and financial advisors of your team BEFORE it is signed.

As already mentioned, the Modern Divorce has many different options available within the basic framework we’ve outlined in today’s blog.  There is no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to divorce and that is why it is so important to plan your divorce journey in advance and work together whenever possible.  Even if divorce was not your choice or decision, always make sure you are a pro-active partner in the process and never a passive participant.  

To help you decide which is the best option for you, please download the FREE DivorceTown® Road Map and see which DivorceTown® street is best for you and your family to begin the journey.

To give you even more help and support, The Divorce Do’s & Don’ts Show has developed the Divorce Better Series in March.  See below for weekly themes and showtimes.

Your Divorce Help & Hope is Here!™

The Divorce Do’s & Don’ts Show

Live Every Tuesday - 9:00 am PT / 12:00 pm ET

March 1 - What is an Amicable Divorce? with Guest, Tracy Ann Moore Grant, Attorney, Mediator, Arbitrator & Founder of Amicable Divorce Network.

March 8 - Gaining Clarity Through Mediation with Guest, Tracy Gould Sheinin, Mediator and Peace Studies Expert

March 15 - DIY Divorce Done Right with Guest, Patricia Van Haren, Attorney, Mediator and Creator of the MeDivorceYou method.

March 22 - How to Divorce in P.E.A.C.E., with Guest, Cindy Harari, Attorney, Mediator, Divorce Coach who uses the P.E.A.C.E. method in her practice.

March 29 - Divorce & Special Needs with Guests Mary Ann Ehlert, President & Founder of Protected Tomorrows and Georgia Lord, Family Law Attorney & Guardian ad Litem.

Lisa Decker