Child-Centered Divorce - The Challenges & Rewards

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January is International Child-Centered Divorce Month, and we at DivorceTown USA® support this concept 100%.

"Regardless of your own emotional state, it's essential to put your children's needs first when making decisions related to divorce." ~Rosalind Sedacca, CDC & Founder of ICCD Month

Even in an amicable divorce, child related issues are often emotionally charged on both sides.  

So how can parents make sure that their personal issues don't interfere with their children's welfare?  How can you divorce each other without divorcing the kids?

"Consider the metaphor of a business partnership in which the desired outcome is successfully raising your children." ~ Zimmerman & Berman 2015

Remember that the same qualities that made your ex a good parent before your separation and divorce, still make him/her a good parent now.  

Any money you spend on revenge or getting even is less money you'll have for your children and their future.  

"The absolute key finding that sat across every story was a parent's capacity to see the world from their child's perspective." ~ Dr. Priscilla Dunk-West

Sit down with your children as ask them how they are feeling.  Assure them that the divorce is not their fault and that they will always have both their parents' love.  

Remember too, that it's okay to ask for help.  We know that divorce can be confusing for parents and kids, which is why this issue and this month's Webinar have been devoted to this topic.  

You've got this.  We've got your back!

Expert Articles

Free Gifts, Resources & Support for Parents, by Rosalind Sedacca, Certified Divorce Coach & Founder of International Child-Centered Divorce Month

Reunification Therapy - What is It? When is It Appropriate? by Tracy McConaghie, LCSW, RPT/S (Registered Play Therapist, Supervisor), CPDT (Certified Positive Discipline Trainer)