Who & What Should be Protected During Divorce?
Helping You Find Your Way
When facing the divorce process, many people inherently adopt one of the typical "flight or flight" responses. Either they choose to run and let the divorce happen without them, or they dig their heels in and fight for anything and everything at issue.
Honestly, the best responses are those that are conscious and based on solid information. So how does one prepare themselves for the divorce process and ensure that they, their children, their finances and their future are protected every step of the way. Are these steps even that important?
"The best lightning rod for your protection, is your own spine."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Protecting yourself emotionally is vital when dealing with divorce. Understanding exactly what issues you are personally facing and making decisions soundly based on fact, not emotion, will be the first step in making sure you are protected during divorce.
Children also need to be protected during the divorce process, and to what extent differs greatly from family to family. Unfortunately, some children require immediate and drastic protection from physical violence. However, during divorce, children also need protection from any conflict their parents may be involved in and their post-divorce financial future needs to be protected to whatever extent it may be possible to do so.
"Everyone is responsible for protecting children." ~ Karel Amaranth
Our personal health, wealth and overall quality of life also need to be protected before, during and after the divorce process. This includes having a well-rounded understanding of the full financial picture and exactly what policies and procedures will be required to safeguard our lives both during the process and well into the future.
With the right divorce team in place, much potential "trouble" can be anticipated and avoided during the divorce process. It is important that divorce begins with, at the very least, legal, financial and emotional support. Having the right people representing you and your interests will not only help you avoid common, costly mistakes but will also enable you to deal with any unforeseen issues that may arise during the process.
"I'm not out looking for trouble, but if trouble shows up, I want to be prepared." ~ Peter Rizzo
Even the most amicable, friendly divorces should include professional guidance and assistance. DIY-Divorces may appear to be more cost-effective at the beginning, but it is important to keep yourself protected, especially from those things you may not even know you don't know.
This month we are proud to present the expert article, D.I.V.O.R.C.E. Protection and another FREE Webinar, this time entitled Protect Yourself Through Every Stage of Divorce. You'll find more information and registration details below.
While there is a lot at stake during the divorce process, there is no reason you have to feel vulnerable or take unnecessary risks. We're here to help!
D.I.V.O.R.C.E Protection by Christine McCullock, Licensed Insurance Agent & Agency Owner of American Family Insurance
Protect Yourself Through Every Stage of Divorce
Who Needs to Be Protected?
What Should be Protected?
What Potential Risks Does Your Divorce Present?
We'll answer all these questions and MUCH more! Our esteemed DivorceTown® panel includes a licensed insurance agent, a financial expert analyst & planner, and an estate planning attorney. This Webinar is loaded with valuable insights and important information that can help you protect yourself, your family and your finances! Live Q&A at the End of Each Event. Get Your Questions Answered by the Experts!