Mental Health - A Pandemic Priority!


As some states and countries slowly start to open up and some people slowly start to venture out or the first time in months, what will have changed?  How has everyone coped?  How will we react to one another? 

May is historically National Mental Health Awareness Month and with healthcare workers facing PTSD, families struggling with depression and anxiety from being cooped up, children faced with virtual school challenges and many people dealing with a severe or total loss of income, our society’s collective mental health status is definitely in need of some TLC.

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.”  ~ Glenn Close

Just about every family has a least one member who deals with chronic mental health issues which, during a time of crisis, like a global pandemic, often become exacerbated.  This of course requires additional patience, understanding and often increased medical/professional care.

“At the root of this dilemma is the way we view mental health in this country.  Whether an illness affects your heart, your leg or your brain, it’s still an illness, and there should be no distinction.” ~ Michelle Obama

If you or a loved one struggles with ongoing emotional and/or mental health issues, we want you to know that we support you.  Our DivorceTown USA® experts and guests have provided FREE resources and articles to better help you cope. 

“Depression isn’t a choice, but stigma and ignorance are.” ~ Matt Haig

Remember, you are not alone.  If you are feeling overwhelmed be it from divorce, the pandemic, our new “normal” or any other challenge you are facing, reach out to and confide in someone you can trust.  Never be afraid or ashamed to seek professional help when necessary. 

We wish you and your families continued health and prosperity in every aspect of your life.  

Expert Articles:

Taking Care of Yourself During a Crisis - By Kathleen Shack, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Mediator, Divorce Coach & Child Specialist

4 Keys To A Healthy Divorce Mindset During A Pandemic! - By Rosalind Sedacca, Divorce & Co-Parenting Coach

FREE Download:

PANIC IN THE PANDEMIC: Coping and Making Sense of it All - By Stephanie Robins, LCSW