Helping You Create Your Single Parent Tribe

There is no disputing that the idea of a “traditional family” has dramatically changed over the last few decades.  With divorce rates holding steady at just about 50%, single parent families have continued to increase and in some places are now more common than families with two cohabiting parents.  

“Every single kid in my group of friends at school was from a single-parent family.”
~ Christina Applegate

Divorce is not the only cause of single-parent homes, however.  It’s important to consider the various circumstances that create single parent families, because each presents with unique situations, issues, needs and risks.  No matter what the cause, however, and even when co-parenting happens from multiple homes, it’s important to remember children experience loss when their family is disrupted, changed or broken for any reason.

“Raising a family is difficult enough.  But it’s even more difficult for single parents struggling to make ends meet.  They don’t need more obstacles.  They need more opportunities.” ~ Bill Richardson

In addition to everyday parenting responsibilities, single parents must also help their children through whatever separation process created the single parent home, perhaps even while they themselves are working through the grief process.  

How can single parents successfully face those inevitable overwhelming moments?  How can a successful support system be built so that single parents have access to the mental, emotional, spiritual and financial assistance they and their families require? 

“Being a single parent is not a life full of struggles, but a journey for the strong.”
~ Meg Lowrey

We’ve included here some guest articles for you that focus on supporting Single Parent families of every shape and size to give you your best chance at success through every phase of parenthood now and forever!

Expert Articles

Struggles to More Snuggles: Survival Tips for Single Parents
By Stephanie Robins, LCSW

5 Things Everyone Can Do to Support Single Parents on National Single Parent Day
By Dr. Marika Lindhom, as featured online on Working Mother 

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