Help for the Littlest Victims of Divorce

Does divorce do irreparable damage to a child? While opinions vary widely, as noted in the following quotes, much depends on the parents.

“I strongly believe children can thrive through divorce.
Children need parents who love them. Children need to know they are safe.
Children need stability and sometimes that’s much easier to achieve outside a marriage
than in a broken one.”
~ Lisa Hayes

“You can’t underestimate how traumatic divorce is for the children.” ~ Isla Fisher

Your Decisions Matter

It would seem, then, that both these statements hold elements of truth. Divorce may be traumatic for children, but they can thrive through and beyond it with the right parental support. So, when should you talk to your kids about divorce? How should you approach it? Is it better to speak to them separately or together? Seek answers below in this month’s featured expert article with an invitation to free resources to help divorcing/divorced parents..

“I think that part of the stress for children of divorce is that they feel like they have no control over anything that’s happening to hem, and if you can just give them a little bit of that control back, it’s not quite as stressful for them.” ~ Deborah Gaddy

“Parents are teachers, guides, leaders, protectors and providers for their children.”
~ Iyanla Vanzant

Child Centered Divorce: It’s Up to You

At the end of the day, if you are a parent and you choose to divorce, it is your responsibility to approach the situation responsibly with your children. This is true whether your spouse is on board or not. You can still choose to take the high road and do what’s in the best interests of your children.

While this may seem daunting, we’re here to help. That’s why this month we are featuring International Child Centered Divorce (ICCD) month, which offers various options, articles and resources to help parents in all stages of divorce.

Free Gifts and Resources to Help

Don’t miss our expert article below by Rosalind Sedacca, world renowned founder of ICCD, and one of our leading contributors at This month you can receive all the Divorce Help and Hope you need for you and your children.

We wish you the very best!

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